“Opening the Source of Failure” micro-talk about minipimer.tv in Flossie 2013

The idea of this presentation is to present the work of minipimer.tv (a collective based in Barcelona and commonly defined as a project working with the intersections of women and technologies. Through the production of artifacts and projects highlighting the errors presents in the process. Exposing the errors, mistakes and failures contained in the process we expect to open a hidden source of knowledge. In this sense the emphasis on errors could be a methodology to work collectivelly, and a way to archive more complex “how to’s.”

Micro-talk by Lucía Egaña (minipimer.tv) in Flossie 2013 is an event that brings together FLOSS women developers, entrepreneurs, researchers and policy-makers, digital artists and social innovators for an exciting mix of talks, spontaneous discussions and open workshops. Flossie 2013 brings the benefits of open thinking to artist and entrepreneurs and the insights of diverse innovators to FLOSS development.

Saturday 9th november 2013, 10am, Queen Mary, University of London, E1 4NS.

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