SubaQuatic Bass Machine [ workshop by Constanza Piña ]

SubaQuatic Bass Machine

SubaQuatic Bass Machine [ Workshop by Constanza Piña ]

The colective minipimer are going to present a series of workshop related to open hardware and software. To open this serie of DIY handicraft we have invited Constanza Piña   from Chile.

The workshop proposed by Constanza is an intensive one-day construction of a low frequency oscillator triple sine wave (original circuit by Piña and Daniel Llermaly Constance 2010)

SubaQuatic Bass Machine is a sound generating device composed of three low frequency oscillators (of 41-168 Hz), each with a frequency control and volume. These three oscillators when sound together resulting in new frequencies, pulses and rhythms.This device is based on the design Panetone Little Bass

Price: 40€ included electronics

Date: friday 13 dic, from 16:00 to 21:00

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